take it slowly...

Monday, October 23, 2006

"Life is not about Business or Management....

...it is about History"

This was told at a lecture given by Prof. John Hall during his Principles of Management Class addressing 1000 of students @ Univeristy of Florida under the infulence of drugs / drinks (not confirmed yet)

"Whoa… dude… Code of Hammurabi. I’ve seen this in … I’ve seen this in a British Museum.”

Within weeks, highlights from the lecture were uploaded onto numerous Web sites, including Break.com, where the video is labeled “Stoned Professor,” and YouTube. And shortly after that, the university placed Hall on paid administrative leave. Another instructor has started teaching the “Principles of Management” course. (Some who have watched assume that the professor was drunk, not stoned.)

He has been a lecturer at Florida since 1988, and has been honored as “teacher of the year” by the business school.

The entertaining sections of the video:

After reading a passage from the Code of Hammurabi, he proclaims, “This is a product liability … law, right?” There is a long pause as he searches for the word “law.” He recovers and then holds up Machiavelli’s The Prince, calling it “a 16th century, principle of management book.”

But when he reaches for Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, his poise leaves him. “Sun Tzu, this is how old? 2,000 years?” he asks.

A student from the audience offers up an answer. “Check the copyright.”

Rolling onto his back, Hall splays out over the stage and starts cackling.

He then sits up laughing. “Noooooooo. You can’t check the copyright because he didn’t copyright the damn thing!” he responds, taking a few more seconds to compose himself before losing himself in another laughing fit.

He then continues with his lecture. “And what Sun Tzu was saying was, ‘Here’s strategy,’ ” he says, nodding his head to draw agreement from the students. “Here’s how to compete.”

Within another minute, he has strayed off on another tangent, and begins advising a student he notices in the audience to go visit the Globe Theater. “Eh, I’m not a big Shakespeare fan, but the Globe is wonderful,” he says.

Watch the video @:

He has a Facebook Group voting against him being fired and that his lecture was most entertaining:


At 1:31 PM, October 25, 2006, Blogger senthil kumaramangalam said...

i guess we have start doping and write exams or go to work stones...guess that one way of getting on the web....

At 2:04 PM, October 25, 2006, Blogger sherry said...

:)) well, will we have enough fans to get us bacl :P

I will soon write a theory as to why John Hall's act gathered this much attention. Shd be interesting...!


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